Screenshot of ev3dev-browser VS Code extension showing debuggers for Python

Update 2020-07-20: Extension v1.2.0 has been released in the VS Code marketplace.

We are working on the next release of the ev3dev-browser VS Code Extension and we need testers! This version mostly contains bug fixes. It should do a better job detecting ev3dev devices. It also fixes a bug where subprocesses on the EV3 are not stopped when clicking the red stop button in VS Code.

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Stamped with text: Stable

After a month of testing, ev3dev-stretch R3 is ready to go! Thanks to everyone who downloaded and tested the release candidate!

The new SD card image can be found on the main downloads page.

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Stamped with text: Release Candidate

We have a new stable release candidate ready for testing.

Update 2020-03-23: new snapshot has been uploaded that supersedes 2020-03-07 SD card image.

Download snapshot-ev3dev-stretch-ev3-generic-2020-03-23.img.xz from here.

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Screenshot of ev3dev-browser VS Code extension terminal pane showing Python REPL

We are working on the next release of the ev3dev-browser VS Code Extension and we need testers! This version has a cool new feature for debugging your Python programs.

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Stamped with text: Stable

Today, we are releasing ev3dev-stretch R2. This is a minor security and stability update and is recommended for all users of ev3dev-stretch. Thank you to everyone who has downloaded ev3dev-stretch snapshots, tested them and reported issues on GitHub.

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