What ?

LEGO Workshop is a web IDE to develop Python program for the Lego Mindstorm EV3 robot.

Why ?

Because as a teacher I need a tool that allow multiple students to work remotely (wifi) with one robot. During Python class around 20 students work with 10 robots thanks to a Raspberry PI converted in a Wifi router. Before this solution I used to work with ipython, but it is too slow regarding EV3 performances.

Is there a screenhot ?

Alt text

What I can find inside ?

Lego workshop is composed of two parts :

  • server side written in Golang to start and stop Python scripts remotely
  • client side written in HTML, CSS, Javascript to edit Python code Both communicates with websockets over a wifi link.

What can I do ?

  • edit Python code in a web page (lines number, color syntax)
  • execute Python code remotely
  • stop execution
  • init robot state after stopping execution (motors…)
  • tell every clients about robot’s state (execution, clients connected)
  • add an help page with code example and documentation

How to install ?

Steps :

  1. download the github repository
  2. copy the repository inside the robot (with scp)
  3. start the server from brickman, file manager, start_lego-workshop.sh
  4. go to with your web broser
  5. enjoy !

Who ?

  • Your name: David SALLE (@freezed-or-frozen)
  • Location: France, Niort, Saint-André highschool
  • Feedback: visit the github project repository

Project Info